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OneTOWOrld has various perspectives: event advertising, event discount information, event timeline, ecommerce, and event search services.
OneTOWOrld is an event basis market place and advertising platform for users.
Currently OneTOWOrld provides its services to business and general users on B2B events market and B2C events market.
- How to use
How to use Offer-to-buy?
OneTOWOrld event timeline service is easy to use like message board.
Post an item what you want or need. We call this main event.
Then, sellers read and analyze your message. And they forecast your needs and reply to the board. Those will be listed under your message (main event) on the system. We call this forecast event. It's like sellers ask/call you to buy their products on a marketplace.
Now, you (buyer) selectively adopt what you need from the list sellers forecasted. It becomes group-package-items by you (buyer). We call this combined event.
Finally, you and the other buyers buy single, partial, or whole the group package items from the list you combined (grouped/packaged).
How to use Offer-to-sell?
Post an item what you want to sell. We call this main event.
Then, the other sellers read and analyze your message. And they forecast your business item and reply to the board. Those will be listed under your message (main event) on the system. We call this forecast event. It's like sellers ask/call you to sell product together on a marketplace.
Now, you (seller) selectively adopt what you need from the list sellers forecasted. It becomes group-package-items to sell together, co-marketing. We call this combined event.
Finally, buyers buy single, partial, or whole the group package items from the list you combined (grouped/packaged).
How to use Business Needs?
Post an item what you want or need. We call this main event.
Then, sellers read and analyze your message. And they forecast your needs and reply to the board. Those will be listed under your message (main event) on the system. We call this forecast event. It's like sellers ask/call you to buy their products on a marketplace.
Now, you (business needs/buyer) selectively adopt what you need from the list sellers forecasted. It becomes group-package-items by you. We call this combined event.
Finally, you and the other buyers buy single, partial, or whole the group package items from the list you combined (grouped/packaged).
All the event activities are saved on onetoworld event timeline.
- What is Event Timeline? What is Event service?
What is event? Event is well known word.
Event is anything that is special and unusual. And it's something happening in our lives.
We live on the series of events on our daily lives actually. So, OneToWorld wants to make something and anything special in daily lives through the system. Onetoworld call this event service or event timeline service.
We make events in daily lives. Or we accept/adopt the others' events.
Individuals and organizations' events will be on the timeline system instantly, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. And the events on the timeline are processed in a form of business.
Onetoworld provides event transaction service as it gives events value in money format, meaning that marketable. So, users sell or buy events systemically. Systematically speaking, onetoworld let users post their events on the event timeline and purchase the other users' posted event items for marketing and shopping satisfaction.
- How OneToWorld event timeline service work
Event timeline service consists of 3 factors. Those are a main event, forecast event, and combined event.
The steps are as follow, simple.
- Step 1: A user provides an event with the timeline (We call this main event.).
- Step 2: Users forecast the main event and offer forecast event(s) to the main event with studying and analyzing the main event. (We call this forecast events.)
Users can forecast both the main event (Step 1) and the forecasted events (Step 2) in order to offer forecast event. (This is still forecast events.)
- Step 3: The user who offered the main event (Step 1) selectively adopt and combine forecasted events offered by users (step 2). (We call this combined events.)
These 3 events (a main event, forecast events, combined events) chronologically become the sequence of events (events on the timeline) because these are timely grouped/packaged under the main event.
- On step 1: Main event can be anything what a user concerns now, hourly, weekly, monthly and yearly.
(Simply providing event time and date sets an event on the timeline in the system.)
- A rule: A main event and forecast event(s) must be posted in money value format what One To world guides. This is how we give the event value and it becomes marketable and transactionable.
- On step 2: Users' forecast event(s) become subordinate event(s) to a main event on the event market system. So, all users can check both a main event item and forecasted event items on the system.
(We call event market as events formed in money value format. Transformed events in money value are marketable and transactional event items)
- All users can analyze and consider both main and forecasted event to thoroughly forecast more events. This is also forecasted event. All users can check a main event and forecasted event(s) subordinated under a main event.
Simply selecting a main event and providing forecast event to the main event you've selected is how to make forecast event on the system.
- The system provides that all users may know what forecast events are being offered to the main event: where they are, what they do, how worth they are and what they offer in money value and event (= offer) quality.
- On step 3: The main event user selectively adopts and combines best forecasted event(s) to combined events; that is, group-package events with the timeline. (We call it combined events: group package events). So users can purchase the whole group package items at a time or partially.
- Performing event each other give you co-marketing systematically. We call this co-marketing/Joint-marketing.
What's main event?
Main event is a publicly posted event to offer its value to forecaster and users (buyer and seller).
A main event item can be anything you concern and necessary but must be in money value format (providing price and discount rate) then the events posted on the system become marketable.
Main event can be offer, proposal, promotion, and announcement. User also may post his problem to get the solution from other users in offer-to-sell format.
What is forecast event(s)?
Forecast event(s) are offer event forecasted by users to a main event. These events are related and connected to the value of the main event and also independently have their own value (can be sold individually).
Example, if a main event is traveling to Disney, forecast events would be air plane ticket, restaurant, accommodations, shopping, tour service, travel gear etc.
What is combined event(s)?
- Combined events are the events interestedly adopted and combined by the main event user.
- Simply, a user says he needs something, for example, cloths (a main event). Stores offer cloths (forecast events). The user chooses cloths from the stores what he wants (Adopted and Combined events).
- Combined events adopted by the main event user means that the main event user is willing to buy or sell together, expression user's intention.
- Currently, Onetoworld doesn't provide real time credit card transaction (payment and settlement) service between users. Buyer has to visit seller's website, homepage or offline store. However, OneTOWOrld provides promotion code, group package item promotion code: multiple item discount code at a time.
Event can be anything.
- A main event can be anything what you concern but OneToWorld highly recommend that event item is in the value of money format for the most accurate forecasting.
- Forecast events under a main event also must have value in money format (providing price and discount rate).
- We systematically give value to event in money format thus users are able to make transaction between them.
- Events market is an advertising and ecommerce platform: we effectively expose users' event items and help users' business and daily personal needs/events through the system.
- In business, events are the strategy, marketing, purchasing, selling, promotion, management, operating, accounting, recruiting, meeting, etc.
We (OneToWorld) currently provide B2B events market and B2C events market. Provide or search events on B2B or B2C events market.
- Business users have the advantages of advertising company, product and service by providing main event and forecast event on the system. Business users' main event and forecast event are the advertising and promotion items on the system.
- Onetoworld provides low cost and high quality advertising service.
Event item can be removed.
Illegal, socially unacceptable, and sexual content or fake event will be removed from the system without notice.
- Co-marketing is systematically enabled at OneTOWOrld. Post event, forecast event and combine events for co-marketing. Combine items identifies you and your partner business to buyers.
- Different company backgrounds such as price, quality, category, type, business conditions and industries get together with possible related and correlated event, co-marketing.
- Timeline Event market works with various situations and circumstances because it works with case by case event rather than simply listing company and product names. Combining events (co-marketing) let users know the reason why cloths needs rather than simply find cloth.
- Example of co-marketing event on the timeline would be as follow.
If item (offer-to-buy or offer-to-sell) on the event market is about car, you would forecast parts of that car necessary later on. This could be your forecast item if you are on the automotive industry.
If a main item is World Cup, you can forecast this event globally or locally. Soccer ball and T-shirts can be forecast.
- Offer Type
B2B: business-to-business.
B2C: business-to-consumer
Consumer is an individual and general.
Business is a company/organization or a private business.
There are 3 types of transaction: offer-to-buy, offer-sell, and business-needs.
You can select main event offer type on each event market as follow.
B2B Events Market: Offer-to-buy, Offer-to-sell, and Business-needs.
B2C Events Market: Offer-to-sell only.
All the forecast event on the event marketplace is offer-to-sell only. There is no counter offer between buyer and seller.
If main event on the market is offer-to-buy or business needs, forecast event is offer-to-sell.
If main event on the market is offer-to-sell, forecast is also offer-to-sell.
Individual users on the B2C Market do not need to post an offer. Just search and buy items on sellers' website or malls with promotion code.
If you sell your product and service to business users, select B2B event market.
If you sell your product and service to individual users, select B2C event market.
You must provide real time process payment service on your website or mall you use if you are a B2C event market seller.
B2B Events Market
Business-to-Business events market
Products and services are offered by among business users. This market is for the business users. Only business users can provide main event and forecast event.
This B2B event market is for international merchandising, national merchandising, local merchandising and business services.
A main event can be offer-to-buy, offer-to-sell, or business-needs.
All the forecast event must be offer-to-sell only, co-marketing.
Business Needs
Business Needs Events are business opportunity, trade show, distributorship, licensing, franchise, outsourcing, problem solving questions, investing/funding etc.
Any event can be Business Needs. But it is for the transaction like contract basis.
Forecast event for Business-Needs-Event must be offer-to-sell which is to give a solution to main event user in the format of sellable item (seller's expertise).
Use business-needs-events to make a complete business opportunity: forecast business opportunity daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Get forecast event for every possible business-needs-events.
A business opportunity is sale or lease of any product, service, equipment, etc., purchasing a Franchise, Distributorship, Dealership, Network Marketing, Licensing, Filling a Niche, Investment for a business.
B2C Events Market
Business-to-Consumer events market
Products and services are offered by business users to consumer/individual users.
General/individual users can't provide main event and forecast event on the B2C events market. General users only buy price discounted items on the B2C event market.
If a main event item is offer-to-sell in the B2C events market, the forecast event also must be offer-to-sell on the B2C event market: relation and correlation between a main event item and forecast items are made.
Both a main event and forecast event(s) must be offer-to-sell on the B2C events market.
On the B2C Events market, only business users can provide main event and forecast event. Individual users buy single, partial, group package discount events-items only.
On the B2C Events market, business users have to provide real-time transaction payment service on their websites, malls or Apps.
The main event user adopts/combines forecasted events to combined events, co-marketing.
- Directions
You may add your event without a website if you are a local business like store and restaurant.
You must provide real-time or equivalent payment process service on your site, mall, or apps if you are a B2C business user.
Provide your website URL where promotional item is.
You must provide discount rate. It's about everyday discount info and co-marketing what Onetoworld provides to all.
Main event: An event posted by buyer or seller.
Forecast event: event(s) forecasted by seller(s).
Combined event: combined main event and forecast-event(s) by main event user.
Group package Item ID: combined event(s) with unique transaction/promotion code ID.
Co-marketing: Activities of posting main event, forecasting main event, combining events, and generating group package item(s); buying and selling discount item(s) at a time; and exposing related and correlated items together on event search engine.
Total forecast event(s): total forecast event item(s) to a main event item from seller(s).
Total-combined event(s): total combined event(s) adopted by main even user. Also, group package discount item(s) to buyers.
Group package item or Group package item with transaction ID: the combined event item(s) adopted by main event item user. Event item(s) are combined with unique transaction ID generated by the system. We call this group package item(s). The unique ID is the promotional code for the group package item(s). Both buyers and sellers can use group package item ID for selling and buying on sellers' website/mall or email. Then buyers get discount.
How to sell?
Choose a market (B2B Event Market or B2C Events Market) and then select an offer type. And provide your product or service (we call it event item) in detail.
Offer types on B2B Events Market: offer-to-buy, offer-to-sell, and business-needs.
Offer types on B2C Event Market: offer-to-sell only
3 ways to use OneTOWOrld without own website.
If you don't have website or homepage, you can make company profile at onetoworld.
Or users may use My timeline event service account. This requires company and private business to fill in information such as company/store name, address, telephone, email, mobile phone, etc.
Those who do not have website such as small business, stores and restaurants, etc. may provide their business information (store name, address, and phone number) on the event detail page, text area.
How to buy?
Check product and discount rate on the item description and visit sellers' website or mall with Promotion code or Group Package discount ID. If B2B, provide OneToWorld promotion code to email or phone.
Users at OneToWorld have to visit sellers' websites to buy event items what sellers offer on the event markets.
Seller info can be found on the detailed event page or their website.
B2B Events Market
Only business user may provide a main event and forecast event in B2B events market.
If a main event is offer-to-sell for desk top computer, Forecast events could be other desktop computers, computer CPU, memory, case, etc., with discount information. The main event provider adopts best forecast event items for the combined Event, group package sale. Buyers may select whole combined event items or selective item(s) for B2B business. It's a joint/co marketing provided by One TO World.
The volume of international merchandising and local merchandising is relatively big: transactions occur by L/C, wire transfer or credit. So, check what the combined events offer in detail, discount or promotion advantages on the event page.
Note that there is no obligation for buyer to package items until a contract or payment is made by them. It's the deal between users.
B2B promotion
- Provide a main event for your needs. The event must be money value format, providing price and discount rate per item.
- Your main event can be to sell, buy, or business needs.
- As your main event is well described, your business will be successfully positioned on the event market.
- Be forecaster
You can forecast the main event within your business territory and strategy.
In using B2B events market
In order to buy, users have to check sellers' URL provided. If website is not available, check event detail.
How to buy?
Check product and discount rate on the item description and visit sellers' website or mall with Promotion code or Group Package discount ID. If B2B, provide OneToWorld promotion code to email or phone.
B2C events market
Only business users may provide a main event and forecast events in B2C events market.
B2C website or online mall must have real time payment process such as credit card payment.
Individual users have to buy discounted items at seller's website or offline store with Promotion code provided and generated by OneToWorld.
Four steps to forecast a main event
1. List or search main events on an event market
2. Check main item event.
3. Click 'Forecast to this main item' and provide your forecast to the main event.
4. Forecast can be anything if your forecast is made based on the main item, relation and correlation. Offer-to-sell only.
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